Unamet-Electoral Organization

Following the adoption of the legal framework for the conduct of the Popular Consultation in East Timor, UNAMET was established through the United Nations (UN) Resolution 1246 of June 11, 1999 to organize and conduct the referendum. Responsibilities of UNAMET included activities before, during, and after the voting day. UN resolutions that created and defined the tasks of UNAMET can be seen below.
Before the ballot, UNAMET would be in charge of registering and educating voters, producing and distributing materials, and coordinating with Indonesian forces to ensure the security of the exercise. During the ballot, UNAMET would administer polling centers and count the vote. After the ballot, UNAMET would collaborate with Indonesian authorities to close out its mandate in East Timor. Documents related to each of these activities can be accessed by using the navigation menu on the left.