Electoral Operations

Electoral operations are those electoral activities which form the administrative steps in conducting an election. Electoral operations are necessary throughout all the electoral cycle, before, during and after Election Day. Pre-Election activities include the definition of the legal framework, budgeting, staff training, voter education, voter registration, and campaigning. Operations on Election Day comprise ensuring the required material is available and counting the results. Post-Election tasks are related to evaluations of the election and, in cases such as the East Timor referendum, when the election is managed by an international organization, the implementation of the electors’ decision.
This section of the Popular Consultation in East Timor website includes information about electoral operations. The United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET)-Electoral Organization tab shows material documenting the electoral activities of UNAMET since its creation until Election Day. The Electoral Observation tab presents reports of some international organizations assessing the realization of the Popular Consultation.
Print a copy of the ballot used in the referendum.